Ari’s Cancer’s Foundation Tygerberg Project

For the past 5 years Ari’s Cancer Foundation has been involved with the Paediatric Oncology Department at Tygerberg Hospital.

Our involvement has been three -fold:

  1. We have supplied patients in G3 Oncology Ward with pain meds that the hospital budget does not cover. Very importantly, we have supplied catheter line sets that are used in Stem Cell operations. These lines have become life saving for young cancer patients and yet they are often in short supply and also fall outside of hospital budgets.
  2. Once young patients are discharged, we have provided home care needs like oxygen, wheelchairs, egg-shell mattresses and also food.
  3. We also have an involvement with the Teen Care Centre that provides accommodation for patients and parents who are from outside of Cape Town. We have supplied food for the patients. Our next phase of involvement will be to provide small upgrades to the Centre giving it more of a ‘de-institutional feel’ and also providing small appliances for the kitchen and a ‘play centre’ in the lounge. Essentially our commitment is provide a ‘home away from home’ feel for the patients.